Full Moon Magic & Manifesting: How being attuned to your moon cycle will help you create an abundant life of your dreams.

Schamet Horsfield
7 min readOct 6, 2020

Author: Schamet Horsfield

You may have heard other women (including myself) talk about how they are tracking their moon cycles and are not available as they are in their moon lodge or that they have created their own Red Tent & they will get back with you when they have returned from their moon lodge.

You may be very confused, curious, intrigued…and be wondering what this means. You also might be questioning within why you have not been invited, and yearn to escape the business of mundane life, and have a deep desire to be invited to the magical moon lodge…

I am extremely excited to tell you that yes…as long as you are a women (womb-moon) then you are invited to the Moon Lodge.

Mystery, Magic, & The Red Tent awaits you…

I have been surprised about how many women I know do not know what a moon lodge is or what mapping your moon cycles mean & what benefits it offers.

I just assumed this wisdom was common knowledge amongst women. I have been running full moon circles without realizing that so many women do not actually know about how their menstrual cycles and the cycles of the moon effect their mood, their energy, and their abilities to manifest.

So much wisdom and knowledge has been lost, forgotten, or outright burned… however there is an awakening & remembering of our wise women ways and a deep connection to our wise women wisdom roots emerging.

It is time for me to share the mystery & magic of the moon that I have within me.

Back in 1993 (so many moons ago…) I moved into a big house with 7 Awakened Goddesses in Portland Oregon. We created a conscious spiritual Goddess community, created a sacred temple and called it, The Goddess Palace. We lived in this spiritual Goddess community with wise women that taught me the foundation of a lot of what I know…

We created our own sanctuary. “A modern day Mystery School.” As well as I did graduate from a healing arts school to become a certified healer & studied clairvoyance at that time. We lived in a sisterhood of Women Rising into their power and claiming themselves as Goddesses…(before it was common as it is today.) We had women gather from the age of 12- 80 years of age each month for the 4 years we lived in this Goddess sisterhood sharing our wisdom, our learning, our knowledge, and supporting each other. It was an amazing way to spend my early 20’s..I am still in touch with all of these Goddesses and they are all doing incredible work on the planet…this was the beginning of my Awakening my Priestess within path…(in this life time that is.)

I have been mapping out my menstruation cycles and paying attention to where my energy levels are in accordance to the flow & consistency of my blood, how I am feeling, what emotions are emerging, and also what cycle of the moon is in, and how that pertains to what I am going through emotionally, and spiritually.

This process has many names. Moon mapping, tracking your moon cycles, attunement, and creating a moon lodge, or a red tent…

Here is some backstory her-story...

The name Red Tent comes from the book title, The Red Tent. This just so happens to be my ultimate favorite book of all time. There are very few books that have enraptured me in this way. It is beautifully written, emotive, and a very deep dive into the empowerment and redemption of the feminine spirit. I laughed out loud, I cried, I was angry (for good reasons), I felt great love for all womb-moon, and my soul was stirred with a passion inside of me that awakened the Priestess within. I could not put this book down and I devoured the content of this book like a chocolate addict would devour her favorite chocolate on the planet while menstruating...during full moon magic.

Yes. This book really is that delicious.

Honestly, I feel every single woman really needs to read this book as it is a rite of passage into what it means to be a woman. What it means to be a goddess. What it means to be a Priestess. It is a story of transformations, healing, and empowerment into the sacred depths of the power and magic that lives within us.

When you stir this cauldron you really do awaken the priestess power within. It is a mandatory reading for my Awaken the Priestess Training.

We live in a Patriarchal society now but many years ago when we did live in a matriarchal tribal community the Priestess was revered and respected as an Oracle, and medicine woman for the tribe. During these times there were moon lodges where the women would gather and be with each other as they bled. It was a time of rest, rejuvenation, initiation, and magic.

It was a time the elders & mothers shared with the maidens about what it meant to bleed, what it meant to be pregnant, it was a sacred space where the women would prepare & support the women who were preparing for their menses & for birth.

They understood the importance of being close to the earth. They knew the importance, and power of their blood, and they knew that when menstruating the veils were thinner and therefore this was a time of magic, mystery, and feminine power.

When you retreated to the the moon lodge it was a time to be close to the earth. A time to listen deeply to your inner wisdom and a time for all women to support each other.

Many philosophers have said, ”Know thyself.”

I use this magical mapping of my mensuration cycles in accordance with the magic of the moon as a way of knowing myself more deeply.

By understanding my cycles, my energy levels, and where I am in accordance to the energy of the moon and the cosmos I can organize my time, work, rest and when, and what I want to consciously create in my life.

To create your own Moon Lodge, it is up to you to create this sacred space and up to you to set aside time for yourself each month. It really is a huge act of self-love, self-care, spiritual sovereignty, a time to fill up your chalice, and could be the very thing you can do for yourself to prevent burnout. It is a time to reflect, connect deeply within so you have crystal clear clarity about what you want, why you want it, and can help you tune into the power of your intuition, time to nurture yourself, and time to tune into the power within your magical cauldron.

When tracking the cycles of your own moon cycles and charting out your moods, emotions, energy levels, you will then know when is the best time for you to rest, dream, plant intentions, when you have the most energy, and with purpose and greater understanding (because you know yourself) and your energy, then you will be able to harness this energy effectively.

Not only will you be able to know when it is the best time to channel your energy into what you are wanting to manifest but you will also know how to align, channel, and co-create using the vibrations, energy of the moon cycles, planets, stars, and the seasons to create a soul map that will fuel your manifesting abilities.

If you have gone through menopause you can still track your energy levels in relation to the cycles of the moon and track the effects the different moon phases have on your energy. The cycles and energy of the outer moon will still effect you even if you are not bleeding & will benefit you to be more in touch with yourself and what you need. You can also set up a moon lodge and give yourself this special time regardless of whether you are maiden, mother or chrone….as you are a womb-moon.

A Priestess lives her life in accordance to the seasons & cycles of the moon within the inner and outer realms, thus activating her priestess power with crystal clear & laser precision so she can Manifest her most abundant life on all levels.

Wishing you Magical Harvest Moon Manifesting Abundance to you, to your family, and to your community.

Schamet Horsfield




Schamet Horsfield

Transformational Practitioner, Clairvoyant Coach, Wounds to Wisdom Oracle, Public Speaker, & Author www.schamethorsfield.com